Friday 25 September 2009

Throwing It Out There.

So this is where the GS8-2 musings on the untitled and possibly soon to be epic game will take place. Very nice indeed! :D.

Anyway I'm not killing my friday to do 16Bit Nexus nonsense this is business, so to follow Craigs lead, show my age and to get the ball rolling on my end I will highlight some possibly lesser known Retro 2D games that follow the path we are going since everything today is 3D :P. Hopefully we can see what elements made them good or bad and draw inspiration from them for our own game. If anyone is really bored check them out on youtube to get the jist of how it moves and sounds and I guess this could count towards Sarge's homework.

Game 1: Disney's Aladdin (Mega Drive)

As you can see we have bright colours and a have a good theme in place, well albeit the one of the genie but hey silly things are interesting too :P.

Game 2: Streets of Rage 2(Mega Drive)

If you haven't played this, boil your head and get it on emulator and see why its still rated one of the best!

Game 3: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Mega Drive/Arcade)

Ok the first 2 images of the moonwalker game were taken from the MD and it looks good but compared to the arcade version in picture 3 it was lousy and wasn't as polished. I put this in mainly to show you the comparision of the same title but why one sucked beans and one was immense, I definitely recommend youtubing these 2 to see my point.

Game 4: WWF Betrayal (GB Color)

I was hard pressed to find a good image of this game because 1 its old and 2 it's on a handheld so again youtube or emulate it.

Game 5: The Lion King (Mega Drive)

This one was an interesting side scroller that utilised height as well as length to progress in the levels. As you can see Simba starts off as a cub and eventually becomes an awesome adult lion that comes with more power, more moves and a new attitude. This picture was thrown in because maybe growth like this in the main character is important?

Anyway that's my 2 cents for now hopefully I've contributed a little bit into some good old school stuff that's 2D side scrolling, even if we can take small elements like "Good HUD" or "Game X can be improved by..." then we are making progress. ;)

1 comment:

kieron white said...

the idea of growth for the character is an amizing idea though im not sure about having too much physical chang in the character because then we'd have to re-animate his movements for each physical form.
any way all the research you've put in will no dbout lead to more game ideas :)