Monday 28 September 2009

Kickin' it Old Skool... Again...

You know something? The more I sit on the bus listening to my Ipod the more I get inspiration since its a good time to think without distractions and I know Kiwi will break my neck for more retro stuff but hey.

Ok here's another 2D SS from the Amiga called Zool 2 or as it was dubbed in the day "The poor man's Sonic". I could have picked its' predecessor Zool but I decided Zool 2 was better just because it was endorsed by Chupa Chups. Since it was released in '93 just after Sonic (I think?) it obviously didnt do as well as Sonic did which was a shame because it was an amusing game.

Now before you flame me for signs of Sonic fanboyism hear me out, Even with Sonic on the market IMO there was something truly inspired, marvelous and cool about zool (:P).

And since we are on the topic of endorsed games let's look at Global Gladiators also on the Amiga

Ok the main gameplay one is obvious and I threw a bonus stage shot in there because again maybe putting something like this in the game would be fun... Possibly as the only solution for completing a puzzle? or in laymans terms beat the game in the game to progress. I'm not saying make a complex game just something to divert the players attention for a few seconds a "Pause menu pocket of peace" if you will. Besides who wouldnt laugh at the game insulting you when an anvil landed on your head and the game retorts "Anvils don't make very good hats do they?"

My question for you is this though what did both these games have that Sonic didn't apart from endorsements with Mcdonalds and Chupa Chups respectively?

The answer IMO is appeal to kids because who doesn't know Chupa Chups or Mcdonalds and surely if they endorse it kids will buy it right?
Sonic wasnt designed to be played by younger children and odds are those that did probably died in the first level anyway.

Anyway that point isnt too relevant as it's about target audiences and making gameplay both fun and accessible but it's just a little something-something to keep in mind from a business perspective that a lot of developers will forget because they focus on the older fanbase.

But thats my random thought for the day, take what you can from it good or bad ;)

1 comment:

kieron white said...

you know what your right we need to think about who the games aimed at is it for kid teenagers adults who ? also ill post about it later but maybe we should make a sort of onlie mood board between us eg find a load of swords that look good and the take atributes from the swords and create a few concepts of our own. just a thought