Wednesday 30 September 2009

main character

ok ppl so lets think about our main man MR.X we want him to be kool right and we said on monday that the anti hero idea was good to go right? (feel free to correct me if your aginst it)
so what makes kool?
think about what makes our character special (better than every one else in the game)
  • the sword could be magical
  • he could have some sort of mild power (extra strong,fast or skill full)

why are ppl trying to kill him
  • is the sword he carrying enchanted and every one whants it (like the ring in lord of the rings)
  • is he an off spring of the devil whos denouced his thrown and is now hunted by his siblings (simliar to cloud strife in advent children)

what are his motives

  • does he want supreme power
  • is out for revenge (IMO this is way over done pluse you have to comuicate to the player that theres a long winded relationship between the main player and the antagonist)

personaly im not married to any of these ideas but they might get the ball rolling and lead to some amizing group ideas.

a few things that i would like to steer clear of are

  • if hes going to ba an anti hero lets make him ruthless (similar to the desperation concept)
  • no rescue stories if the bad guy was that bad he'd just kill the girl without thinkin twice if you make him say "im ganna do this then this" and end upnot doing it we'll make the bad guy efectivly look like a pussy and rouining the game.
  • say he was a mercenry he'd be pritty closed off guy so he'd need a huge emtional envolvement to even take part in the games events we should try to keep him as closed off as posible we dont need an anti hero who tells us his emtions so lets try and find a way of getting his feelings across while still makeing him look Arrd.

any way thats all thats onmy mind at the mo so tell me what you think .


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