Saturday 26 September 2009

Mirrors Edge controler test + 2.5D side scrollers

okk to I've just put my xbox controller into the lap top and game the mirrors edge game ago like that.
two reasons why
1. to see if a controller makes the game any more interesting to play(it does)
2. to see if its worth making a 2D game for a console (you can decide that)

so0o if any ones interested in giving it a go on a controller (and doesn't want to do it at home.)
ill bring my lap top in on Monday get in touch or comment if your interested.

also here are some modern 2.5D scrollers that we could probly draw inspraition from

Bionic Commando Rearmed

peronaly i like the look of this game but the floating platforms that the player jumps on make the game feel too much like a realistic looking mario.

Shadow Complex

sorry about how poor the vid is but this game looks realy good.

i keep editing this post because keep finding more recent 2.5D games
this ones called


1 comment:

Nate said...

Yeah man, bring in the laptop I'd be interested in giving it a crack. Furthermore we can log it in the diary of things we have done to get from Concept -> Final Product