Tuesday 29 September 2009

Looking at the videos

So I've just sat down and read threw all the posts and watched the videos. The Mirror's Edge game looks sick btw. And like has given me inspiration for the game anyway, imagine that kind of fluidity of running and jumping up and down buildings, but not that fast obviously cos of the whole sonic thing that was mentioned it's tooooo fast and I don't know bout anyone else but when I get on Sonic I try and run threw the level and don't feel like I've accomplished much.

I also feel with that kind of fluidity in the moves it would go really really well with the anime feel we want from the game, imagine a tall, thin guy with a massive sword on his back scaling the level with the utmost ease. And it would make for some cool fighting sequences, running up and then backflipping off a wall to land behind an enemy with his back to you to get the drop on him lol.

And the whole minigame/puzzle thing I think the whole idea in putting these down IS to slow down a game. that's why they are used. Because a gamer wants a breather and to recuperate every once in awhile. With the jumping around and the fighting it might be a good idea to give the player a safe haven, maybe when the player goes into a building, sometimes there can be puzzles inside.

Lastly cos I'm goin on abit I just wanted to reiterate my idea for him being a Mercenary. This would explain his ability with a sword and ability to move around the level and would tie in beautifully with the anti-hero thing. And to be honest with the way we want the game I feel like we should maybe move the game back over to Urban Japan, that way we can have some beautiful neon scenery going on in the background but still have a very dark and gritty setting.

Im done :D


Nate said...

Some very valid points there man, Hopefully we will get this concept nailed down soon so we can commence implementation

kieron white said...

i agree when playing the mirros edge and sonic i found ma self just running through and not takein much in or realy havin a clue where i was goin so slowing it down a little sounds cool another thing that i found annoying is that there are about 20diffrent ways to get to the same place while thats good if you ever want to go back to something you missed it makes it hard to do so